10 Best Yoga Poses for Glowing and Clear Skin

10 Best Yoga Poses for Glowing and Clear Skin - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com


Our mutual desire for naturally glowing, clear, and healthy skin is well justified. It is a well-known fact that some yoga poses help to get glowing skin. We all want glowy skin, because why not? Glowing skin makes us feel more self-assured and comfortable with ourselves, and in front of others as well. Provides an extra boost of confidence, you may say.

Hopes for Glowing skin dates back ages. From the Greeks to the Romans to the present times, everyone wants to achieve a healthier glow to their skin. Cleopatra had a rumored famous skincare routine that involved a young donkey’s milk, crocodile feces, and manure mixed with mud for bath often to attain her gold glowing skin. Anglo-Saxon queens used bleach and blood to maintain a youthful look.

All of the above instances make us realize that as horrifying as they may sound now, everyone did yearn to make their skin GLOW!

10 Best Yoga Poses for Glowing and Clear Skin - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com (3)

Thankfully, great sages of our country, India developed one of the greatest, most accessible ways to sustain our health and skin in the most organic way possible. Through Yog Asanas, or yoga poses, you may call it. All you will require is nothing. Maybe a mat, if only you want.

Daily practice of Yoga poses helps us to gain fitness, health, and mental peace. Yoga poses exercise also makes us more active and open, flushes out toxins, and regenerates our inner self. Also Glowing Clear Skin? YES, You read that right! Some yoga poses specifically does helps us bring out and maintain a glowing complexion. No product is involved in the guide to attaining glowing skin from the daily practice of Yoga poses.

We’ll list the special yoga asanas that you can do which will make your skin glow and help you gain a higher level of fitness too:

Pregnant women should specifically ask their doctors’ advice first before attempting to perform any Yoga asanas.

1. Pranayama:

1. Pranayama

By Pranayama, we mean its most popular form, alternate nostril breathing. Also called the Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, this exercise brings you deep relaxation and flushes out toxins if you perform this exercise early in the morning. Your skin will bring out the glowing effect after regular practice of the same. Precautions; exercise caution while practicing this asana if you have breathing problems like asthma.

Pranayama Procedure:

  • Sit in a comfortable cross-legged pose first.
  • Block the right nostril with your right thumb.
  • Breathe in deeply through the left nostril.
  • Block the left nostril with the ring finger of your right hand as you release the right nostril.
  • Breathe out slowly through your right nostril.
  • Keeping the left nostril shut, breathe in deeply through your right nostril.
  • Seal the right nostril again with your thumb, then release the left nostril.
  • Breathe out of the left nostril.
  • You are now in the original position, with the thumb sealing the right nostril. Repeat the same exercise 10 times for best results.

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2. Vakrasana:

2. Vakrasana - Beauty Tips By Nim - Yoga For Skin

Vakrasana also called the Half-Spinal Twist pose. Vakrasana improves the functioning of our nervous system keeping the blood vessels on our face in check. Vakrasana is beneficial to perform to reduce belly fat, reducing back pain, and preventing diabetes too. Exercise caution while practicing this asana if you high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, and serious back injuries.

How To Do Vakrasana?

  • Sit down straight and stretch your legs forward.
  • Fold your right leg and keep the right leg’s heel, touching the left leg’s knee.
  • Place your right hand behind your back and left arm over your right knee; hold your right ankle.
  • Push your right knee as far as possible and while exhaling, twist your trunk(from your waist up) in the right direction.
  • Take sufficient support of the left arm.
  • Now, perform the same exercise on the left side. This is one of the best yoga poses for glowing skin.

3. Shavasana:

3. Shavasana

Shavasana is also called Corpse Pose, and Mstrasana. Probably considered the easiest asana is not so easy in itself. It requires deep concentration to perform. Your body will relax, and your face will get rid of its tired signs; thus your face will have a healthy glow. Fortunately, Shavasana doesn’t have any contradictions to keep in mind. Everyone can perform this.

Procedure for Shavasana:

  • Lie down in a horizontal position.
  • Keep your legs straight. Keep your arms away from the body.
  • Leave your limbs loose and relaxed.
  • Gradually, breathe in deeply.
  • Close your eyes and imagine that your whole body is becoming loose.
  • Feel the complete relaxation in your body.
  • Remain in this position for 10 to 12 minutes.

4. Vajrasana:

4. Vajrasana - 10 Best Yoga Poses for Glowing and Clear Skin - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Vajasana is a meditative asana that cures mental stress, and problems related to menstruation. Practice it for a few months to make your skin achieve that glassy glowing look. If you are suffering from difficulty in movement, please avoid doing Vajrasana.

How To Perform Vajrasana?

  • Kneel on the mat/ground with your knees, toes, and ankles touching the surface.
  • Stretch your toes backward.
  • Place the palms of your hands on your knees.
  • From the waist up, your upper body should be upright.
  • Breathe in and out in a deep, even, and gentle manner.
  • Then, expand your chest forward and pull your abdominal portion behind.

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5. Parvatasana:

5. Parvatasana

Parvatasana is also called the Mountain pose. It makes your skin problems reduce, making your skin clear and glowy. Avoid doing the Parvatasana if you are suffering from a hip or back injury.

Procedure for Parvatasana:

  • Sit in Padmasana position first. Padmasana means sitting crosslegged with your spine erect and your hands placed on your knee in mudra posture. Keep your head straight and take long breathes.
  • Stretch your arms sideways and bring them over your head gradually.
  • Let your palms touch each other.
  • Stretch your hands without bending your elbows.
  • Keep your spine upright.
  • Hold this position for some time. This yoga pose it effective to get glowing skin.

6. Paschimottanasana:

6. Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana is also called the Seated Forward Bend Pose. It cures your gastric troubles, making you less nauseous, and this yoga pose is a good remedy for constipation. This simple and easy-to-perform yoga pose helps to get radiant glowing skin.

You are what you eat. This asana will make your digestion problems go away along with removing skin diseases. If you are suffering from an enlarged liver, asthma, or respiratory disease, please avoid doing the Paschimottasana yoga pose.

Paschimottanasana Procedure:

  • Sit on the ground with your legs ahead.
  • Then, fold the toes of your feet with the fingers of both of your hands.
  • Breathe out gradually in this position and try to touch your knees with your forehead.
  • Afterward, breathe in gently, raise your head upwards and come to the previous position.
  • Perform Paschimottanasana asana at least 10 to 12 times.

7. Matsyasana:

7. Matsyasana

Matsyasana also called the Fish Pose; not only will make your skin happy and glowy, but also cure several skin diseases. Matsyasana also your defects of eyes, tonsillitis, and improves posture. A win-win situation indeed! People with neck and lower back injuries should not perform this asana.

Procedure for Matsyasana:

  • First, sit in a padmasana pose. Padmasana means sitting crosslegged with your spine erect and your hands placed on your knee in mudra posture. Keep your head straight and take long breathes.
  • Now, lie down in a supine position and form a curve behind.
  • Hold your toes with the fingers of both your hands.
  • Stay in this position for some time.

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8. Bhujangasana:

8. Bhujangasana - Yoga Poses for Glowing Skin

Bhujangasana is also called the Snake Pose or Cobra Pose. Bhujangasana yoga pose improves blood circulation; increases oxygen intake helps flush out toxins from our body system. Performing this asana should be avoided if you are suffering from a hernia, back problems, and headaches.

Steps To Do Bhujangasana:

  • It wouldn’t come as a surprise that in this asana our posture mimics that of a snake. That’s why it is called Bhujangasana.
  • First, lie down on the belly on the mat/ground.
  • Keep your hands near your shoulders.
  • Keep your legs close together.
  • Straighten your arms gradually and raise your chest upwards.
  • Keep your head back and stay in this position for some time.
  • Then, get back to the former position.
  • For best results, perform this asana 3 to 5 times.

9. Trikonasana:

9. Trikonasana

Trikonasana improves your body’s digestion capabilities and reduces your stress. This simple yoga pose helps to get clear glowing skin. A lot of your bodily symptoms first show up on your skin, and this asana will help prevent that from happening. Your skin will in its optimum phase with regular practice of this asana. If you are suffering from diarrhea, blood pressure problems, or back injury, avoid doing the Trikonasana.

Trikonasana Procedure:

  • Stand with your legs apart first.
  • Raise your arms sideways up to your shoulder level.
  • Bend your trunk (from your waist) sideways.
  • Raise your right hand upwards.
  • Touch the ground/mat with left hand behind left foot.
  • Hold this posture for some time.
  • Then perform the same asana with the opposite arm in the mentioned way.

10. Tadasana:

10. Tadasana

Performing Tadasana will make your breathing more stable, improve your posture, improve your skin condition, and help develop physical and mental balance. In case you have a headache, or insomnia, you should avoid performing this asana.

How To Perform Tadasana?

  • Stand up straight in attention position.
  • Lift your arms upwards and stretch them high.
  • Raise your heels, and stand on your toes.
  • Pull your whole body upwards.
  • Stay in position. Then after some time, breathe out slowly while coming to the prior position.
  • Repeat the same exercise 10 or 15 times.

Regular practice of the above-mentioned Yoga poses will not only make your skin have a healthy natural glow but also work as a preventative measure for various diseases and symptoms. Other Yoga Asanas which can be performed as well are Surya Namaskar, Halasana, Pawanmuktasana and more.

Even the product that does make sense, for instance, young donkeys milk, isn’t always available to us in the south Asian continent. Try finding a donkey in the vicinity first, a young one later. The yoga poses are practicable in your own home at any time you find free.  

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FAQs on Best Yoga Poses for Glowing and Clear Skin:

Which Yoga pose is good for glowing skin?

Pranayama brings you deep relaxation and flushes out toxins from your body if you perform it early in the morning. Your skin will bring out the glowing effect after regular practice of the same.

Can yoga make you beautiful?

Daily practice of Yoga poses helps us to gain fitness, health, and mental peace. It helps to bring a radiant glow to our skin. Yoga poses also makes us more active and open, flushes out toxins, and regenerates our inner self.

What are the benefits of Parvatasana?

Parvatasana helps to reduce your skin-related problems, making your skin clear and glowy.

Which Yoga pose is best to reduce stress?

Trikonasana improves your body's digestion capabilities and reduces stress. A lot of your bodily symptoms first show up on your skin, and this asana will help prevent that from happening.

What are the benefits of Vajrasana?

Vajasana is a meditative asana that cures mental stress, and problems related to menstruation.

10 Best Yoga Poses for Glowing and Clear Skin - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com (2)


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