Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon Tea

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon Tea - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - (2)


You must be drinking milk tea all the time, and after it seems like everything is alright and all the tiredness is gone. The benefits of tea are no doubt immense but herbal Lemon tea is one step ahead. Why do we drink tea? To refresh our minds right? But consuming more tea is also not good for your health, that’s one of a controversial talk but yes it’s true. Swapping your milk tea with lemon tea will make your mind fresh and also be good for your health.

Lemon tea is one of the most refreshing tea, the name lemon itself sounds so refreshing. A drop of lemon in anything provides refreshment to your soul. Lemons have many benefits in themselves. It is used as a digestive aid because it has a relaxing impact on the stomach. Lemon and honey, both of which have fat-burning characteristics, can help you lose weight. It’s an amazing morning drink because it energizes the body while also refreshing the mind.

Lemons are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are a good source of refreshment. They’ve been used for medicinal and beauty benefits for centuries and were once thought to have healing powers and protect against poison whether skin or hair, lemon had their own properties to heal every problem. Today, in this generation who are more focused on their health, body, hair, and skin lemons are a trendy weight loss technique aid believed to detoxify our bodies.

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However, modern science supports many other health benefits of lemon tea. It is a refreshing way to get many important vitamins. It’s easy to prepare, hydrates your body, is low in calories and sugar, and relaxes your mind. Here is how you can make Lemon Tea:


  • 1 Lemon
  • Honey or Jaggery


  • Take 1 lemon and squeeze its juice into a bowl.
  • Boil 1 cup of water and add lemon juice to it
  • Let it boil for 4-5 mins and pour it into a cup.
  • Depending on personal preference, people drink lemon tea without any sweetness and some mixes sweeteners like honey or jaggery.

Here are Some Benefits of Lemon Tea:

1. Good for Immune System:

Good for Immune System - Nimisha Goyal

In this pandemic one most common word we’ve heard is immunity. If your immunity is on the point you’ve everything because your immunity fights every health problem.

One lemon tea offers the daily value of Vitamin C and boosts your immunity and helps you fight all the infections. Lemon is a rich source of citrus and citrus adds so many values to your immunity.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure:

Studies have found that lemon helps to reduce blood pressure. People in this pandemic people suffer from anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure, and to relax every one needs some time to calm down. Lemon tea gives benefits your health.

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3. Reduces Risk of Diabetes:

Reduces Risk of Diabetes

Lemons contain a natural compound called hesperidin that may lower blood sugar levels, decreasing your risk of diabetes. In addition, the citric acid in lemons slows the conversion of starch to sugar, helping reduce blood sugar spikes and aiding in weight management.

4. Lemon Tea Treats Mental Health:

Studies show that mental Heath is more important than anything. If your mental health is doing good, your body will adjust accordingly. Good mental health helps in gaining good physical Heath. To incorporate calmness to your mind, lemon tea is the best source.

5. Provides Hydration:

Health Benefits of Lemon Tea - Provides Hydration - Nimify Beauty

Lemon tea is a rich source of hydration. To keep your body hydrated all the time you need to drink something. Are tired of drinking water? Add lemon to make your tea refreshing and calming.

6. Prevents Cancer:

Lemon contains citrus and quercetin, a flavonoid that protects the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from free radicals that have severely damaging effects on the body. Studies have also found that quercetin has an anti-inflammatory effect, and prevents allergic reactions. It also checks the growth of cancer cells and may be effective against certain types of cancer, especially colon cancer. The benefit of lemon tea are innumerable, and this is one of them.  

7. Good for Skin:

Good for Skin - Health Benefits of Lemon Tea - HashBUGS - Beauty Tips By Nim

In this COVID era, everyone is suffering from stress, locked at home, doing new things one or the other day.

Talking about stress and skin they go hand in hand. This direct relationship never fails to impress. When you’re anxious, you’re simply making room for a pimple to appear. And who likes it? Acne, dark spots, pigmentation, dry skin, and flaky skin these words, just hit every girl’s heart. And in this fancy generation, we want things to be done in no time, either it should be done automatically or we’ll pay and get it done.

But no chemical products can give you a sure-shot statement to remove acne, and pimples or give you clear skin. Can you imagine one lemon can make so many changes? It adds shine to your face and gives you clear acne-free skin.

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8. Good Overall Heath:

Your body needs good food to promote good health, same goes with your mind, it needs time to relax and detox. If you’ll not eat well, skip meals, and eat junk all this has a direct impact on your mind. A healthy mind demands good consumption of proteins and other vitamins. Make herbal lemon tea a part of your daily diet. Lack of protein and proper nutrition can be very well seen.  Add good food to get good results. It’s a simple way, a relaxed mind leads to the good life.

9. Lemon Tea Combats Acidity:

Lemon Tea Combats Acidity

One of the main problems of digestive ailments is acidity and lemon tea is very helpful in controlling its symptoms. In fact, lemon can be added to any tea that does not have milk. Any herbal tea goes well with lemon. To have a healthy lifestyle, and smooth working of your body you need a good digestive system.

10. Replacement of Medication:

A cup of tea solves every problem, doesn’t it? Imagine a few drops of lemon in your tea and honey too. Enjoying a cup of lemon tea with honey about 3-4 times a day before/during your illness will immediately relieve a sore throat, boost your immune system and give your body that warmth it craves, especially during the cold, rainy month.

Why play with your health by adding so many medicines? Try going natural as it has zero side effects on your body. When you start relying on medicines for every small thing you get addicted. Small changes in your lifestyle will help you a lot. This is one of the top benefits of lemon tea.

The cleansing and healthy properties present in lemon have long been known to contain a good dose of vitamin C and are a natural way to heal many problems. Hot water with drops of lemon will aid in digestion, cleanse the liver and remove toxins and impurities from your body. It is one herbal tea for which you need just one ingredient which will not cost you much and neither you have to search for it. 

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FAQs on Health Benefits of Lemon Tea:

What is lemon tea good for?

Lemons are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are a good source of refreshment. Lemon contains citrus and quercetin, a flavonoid that protects the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from free radicals that have severely damaging effects on the body. Studies have also found that quercetin has an anti-inflammatory effect, and prevents allergic reactions.

Is lemon tea good for weight loss?

The citric acid in lemons slows the conversion of starch to sugar, helping reduce blood sugar spikes and aiding in weight management.

How do I make lemon tea?

STEPS TO MAKE LEMON TEA: Take 1 lemon and squeeze its juice into a bowl. Boil 1 cup of water and add lemon juice to it Let it boil for 4-5 mins and pour it into a cup. Depending on personal preference, people drink lemon tea without any sweetness, and some mixes sweeteners like honey or jaggery.

Which is best lemon tea or green tea?

Drinking lemon tea is a refreshing way to get many important vitamins. It’s easy to prepare, hydrates your body, is low in calories and sugar, and relaxes your mind.

Is honey and lemon tea good for you?

Lemon and honey, both of which have fat-burning characteristics, can help you lose weight. It's an amazing morning tea because it energizes the body while also refreshing the mind.

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon Tea - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim


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