How to Exfoliate Your Scalp? Tips and Tricks

How to Exfoliate Your Scalp - Beauty Tips By Nim


Looking for alternative shampoo for the scalp? Tried new hair oil? Had expensive treatments? Tried harmful medicines? Still, facing hair fall?

We all have heard about skin care regimens, yoga for weight loss, exercise for a toned body, hair masks, or oil for hair growth. But one thing that you all are missing is your scalp. Yes, you’ve heard it right. When we water plants, we water their roots, we do sprinkle water on leaves but our focus is on the root, whatever we add, however, we take care of them, our main focus is on roots. Because if the roots are not strong enough to hold the plant, the plant will not grow.

Simple way, if we don’t keep our scalp healthy if we don’t exfoliate it if we don’t take care of our roots then how can we expect our hair to grow thicker and healthier?
Since regular use of harsh shampoos, hair-damaging hair masks, medicines, and expensive oils has made no difference to your hair, you need to do some DIY treatments for your scalp.

To have a good output you need to take some good efforts in your input. There are some steps to exfoliate your scalp, read them, apply them, and enjoy your results.

Following are the DIY ways to exfoliate your scalp:

1. Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti)

How to exfoliate your scalp

A traditional exfoliant to give you a healthy scalp in this era of expensive treatments. The most amount of oil produced is in your scalp and to control it all you need to apply is fullers earth. It comes with zero side effects. You can either apply it with rose water, vitamin E capsule, milk, or just water to your scalp. Keep it on for 45 minutes on your scalp and by just investing 45 mins from your day and you’ll get a healthy scalp. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water.

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2. Coconut Oil and Coffee

Coffee boosts your mood, when you drink it you’ll feel energetic and it even removes puffiness from your eyes. When applied to your scalp it adds growth and makes your hair shiny and soft. Mixing it with coconut oil makes your DIY coffee scalp scrub more effective as coconut is a rich source for hair growth. You can have a spa treatment at home with just two ingredients from your kitchen. Massage this mixture on your scalp for 5 minutes. Then, Rinse it off with normal water.

3. Fenugreek Seeds

fenugreek seeds- Beauty Tips By Nim

It protects your scalp from dandruff and promotes hair growth by adding protein to your hair. All you need to do is soak a handful of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight. Blend them in the morning and your paste is ready. You can add almond oil if you have a dry scalp. Apply that paste and massage for 5 minutes then leave it on for 30 minutes. Shampoo your hair and apply any hair serum of your choice.

4. Hair Conditioner and Brown Sugar

All you need to do is take a few drops of your favorite conditioner and add brown sugar. Scrub your scalp gently with it. Brown sugar will remove the dead skin and flakes from your scalp and conditioner on the other hand will make your hair softer and shinner.
This combination is the most effective way to exfoliate your scalp and it hardly takes 10 mins. You don’t need to do any pre-planning or preparation for it as all you need to do is massage your scalp.

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5. Egg Hair Mask

The rich source of protein adds Growth and volume to your hair and exfoliates your scalp. All you need is an egg or two according to your hair length. Break it in a bowl, mix it, and add a few drops of almond oil or any essential oil to your hair.
Apply this and massage for 5 minutes and let it dry. When it’s hard and fully dried up you need to wash it off with lukewarm water.

6. Banana

Yes, the food you’re eating since a kid now has taken over your scalp. All you need to do is mash a banana or a half and add milk and honey to it. If you have an oily scalp you can add brown sugar to it. Mix them and apply the paste for 1 hour. Bananas will moisturize your hair, milk and honey will add shine and brown sugar will give you a scrub effect. Massage your scalp really well while washing the mask off and applying conditioner.

7. Papaya for Healthy Scalp

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Ripe papaya is particularly useful for removing dead skin as it has amazing cleansing properties. If you have an oily scalp and/or dandruff, you can go the extra mile and mix ripe papaya pulp with milk into a paste. Apply this hair mask and wash it off after half an hour. It will give you the best results out of nothing. Just make sure that the papaya is properly mashed or blended, and that the paste has the proper amount of consistency of all the ingredients.

8. Sugar, Honey, and Milk

For this, all you need is 3 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey, and sugar accordingly. Mix all these in a bowl and apply the paste for 30 mins or more. Rinse it with normal water, you don’t have to use shampoo afterward as it provides deep conditioning to your hair and shampoo will remove that layer. If you already have an oily scalp you can add a bit of gram flour to your paste to remove the oiliness.

9. Lemon Olive Oil Scrub for Clean Scalp

All you need for this treatment is one lemon and olive oil. You might have heard of the good properties of lemon. It is a way to refresh your hair and adding olive oil on the other hand will promote hair growth and shine by giving all the nourishment to your hair.
This is an effective way of adding a good source of protein and nourishment to your hair with few ingredients. You need to apply this for 30 mins.
Do a patch test before using lemon and if you’re allergic to it you can swap it with brown sugar.

10. Shampoo and Baking Soda

Baking Soda 2 - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

Adding baking soda to your shampoos once in a while can remove all the excess oil from your scalp. Give yourself a nice scalp massage for a few minutes to get the maximum benefit and then rinse it with warm water. Use can use any shampoo of your choice and do keep in mind that don’t use baking soda in high amounts. Just a bit of it is good to go.

Hair health is not isolated from your overall health. Hair is a part of your body and a lack of proper nutrition and hair care can be seen. Hair fall is very well visible and every strand makes a difference. Lifestyle mistakes make a huge difference. Hair loss is a circle that leads to many problems.
Once a teenager or an elderly person suffers from hair loss, they start to panic, lose confidence, and self-esteem faces a big downfall. It takes only a few steps to save yourself from these things.

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FAQs on How to Exfoliate Your Scalp?

How can I exfoliate my scalp at home?

All you need to do is take a few drops of your favorite conditioner and add coffee. Scrub your scalp gently with it. Coffee will remove the dead skin and flakes from your scalp and conditioner on the other hand will make your hair softer and shinner.

What can I use to exfoliate my scalp?

Ripe papaya is particularly useful for removing dead skin as it has amazing cleansing properties. If you have an oily scalp and/or dandruff, you can go the extra mile and mix ripe papaya pulp with milk into a paste. Apply this hair mask and wash it off after half an hour. It will give you the best results out of nothing. Just make sure that the papaya is properly mashed or blended, and that the paste has the proper amount of consistency of all the ingredients.

Is it safe to exfoliate your scalp?

Yes, it is safe to exfoliate your scalp. Exfoliating won't only clean your scalp but also boosts hair growth and reduces hairfall.

Does exfoliating scalp cause hair loss?

Exfoliating too frequently can damage the scalp and hair follicles and even cause hair loss.


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