7 Proven Ways to Increase Height Naturally

7 Proven Ways to Increase Height Naturally - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com


Most of us will thank the stars if we get a bit of extra height. Not that being short has any drastic disadvantages, but sometimes we feel, we would just look better if we were taller. Unfortunately with everyday science is going with cosmetic surgeries and other procedures to change what we are born with and cover up our insecurities, how to increase height naturally isn’t getting much research on in itself.

We can’t just lengthen our height through a doctor’s appointment. The only hope for some is heels, that too isn’t wearable everywhere. No need to drown in misery over height anymore, we at Beauty Tips By Nim bring you natural ways by which you can increase your height naturally. Yes, natural ways are the safest and practical methods to fall back on. And the good news is, they work!

1. Choose A Proper Balanced Diet With All Necessary Nutrients:

Choose A Proper Balanced Diet With All Necessary Nutrients - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Include all the necessary vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and more in your daily diet, and try to have 3 meals in a day at regular hours. Your diets should mainly consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, animal and plant proteins, dairy products, and fish like salmon, etc. Cook your food in healthy oil such as olive oil and canola oil.

Increased intake of calcium also helps increase height. Especially in cases where there is decreased bone density condition inside someone’s body; calcium helps to grow the height of a person. Avoid packaged junk food, sugar, trans fats, and saturated fats, as these food items can hamper your height growth.

2. Have Sufficient Hours Of Sleep:

Have Sufficient Hours Of Sleep - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

You should have at least 8 hours of sound sleep. Your height is more during the day because you have just woken up from your slumber which lets you grow into your actual height. Increased sleep increases your HGH production too.

Not just a good night’s sleep, you can opt for naps during the afternoon and power naps too. Naps are known to improve your brain functioning and make you feel refreshed.

Also-Read: What You Should Wear for a Gym Workout?

3. Staying Active Throughout The Day:

Staying Active Throughout The Day - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Staying active is essential for a human being to lead a healthy life. You can stay active by regular exercise, cardio, and yoga. The result of an active lifestyle is strengthened muscles and bones,  decreases chances of osteoporosis, maintains a healthy weight, and increased HGH(Human Growth Hormone) production.

Whether it is household chores, 30 minutes walk in the park, aerobic exercises, morning and evening jogs, or yoga, anything works as long you get at least one hour in a day.

4. Having A Good Posture Is The Key:

Having A Good Posture Is The Key - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Having a poor posture not only makes you feel less confident but also makes you look shorter than you really are. Slouching while sitting and slumping deforms your spine over time.

This not only affects your height but also causes long term problems for your spine. Take care of your sitting, sleeping, standing postures. Try to improve your postures through regular exercises and yoga. Consult your doctor if your deformed posture starts to hamper your health and life.

5. Enjoy Sunny Days And Their Benefits:

Enjoy Sunny Days And Their Benefits - 7 Proven Ways to Increase Height Naturally - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Sun feels good on our skin and gives us Vitamin D. Vitamin D is needed to increase height. You can have a walk on sunny days during early mornings, late evenings, and winter days when UV rays are low.

Or opt for a sunbath in your garden or terrace. This way, you can enjoy the positive benefits of sun rays on your body and height. Be sure to wear a sufficient amount of sunscreen to protect yourself from the harmful effects of Ultraviolet rays from the sun.

6. Exercising:

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Regular exercising has loads of positive benefits on our body. One of the miraculous effects it can bring on is an increase in height. Exercising daily improves bad posture, reduces the decompression of the vertebrae, and grows your muscles.

Best Exercises to Increase Height:

These are a few of the height increasing exercises you can do and see the amazing effects on yourself. Moreover, frequent exercise also increases your confidence, making you feel better about yourself.

1. Hanging:

This exercise helps you stretch your muscles out and elongate your limbs. If you do not have a pull-up bar in your home to practice this exercise, you can go outside in search of a strong tree and do it there. Make sure the tree can hold your body weight.

• Jump up and cling on to the metal bar.
• Hold your arms, legs, and spine straight.
• Remain in the pose for 30 seconds, at least.
• Continue the same at least three times daily.

2. Pull-Ups:

Pull-up has similar advantages to that of hanging. Only this exercise takes it a step further. Pullups are a great way to gain strength in your body and increase your height. Do not force yourself to continue with this exercise if you aren’t able to as it will lead to drastic effects on your muscles and limbs.

• Grasp a pull-up bar with your hands. Your palms can be facing whichever direction you prefer.
• Pull your bodyweight upwards until your chin is just barely raised higher the bar. Hold this pose as long as you can, say 10 seconds.
• Lower yourself until your arms are fully extended, and your feet are touching the ground. Do 3 sets of 10 reps daily to see desired results.

3. Side Stretch:

This exercise makes your intercostal muscles develop and elongates your arms, legs, and torso, thereby increasing your height. When performing this exercise, pull and stretch your muscle upwards from your lower back to your shoulder. This will increase your height growth.

• Stand straight in an attention position with your feet together.
• Join your palms together and stretch your arms over your head without bending the elbows.
• Bend your upper body in the right direction, while doing a knee bend.
• Hold this stretched pose for 30 seconds and get back to the starting position.
• Repeat the same stretch two times and switch directions to do the stretch in the opposite side.

7. Yoga to Increase Height:

1. Tadasana

Tadasana - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Performing Tadasana will improve your posture and enhance your height naturally. It will also improve your skin condition, and help develop physical and mental balance.


• Stand up straight in attention position.
• Raise your arms upwards and stretch them high.
• Lift your heels and stand on your toes.
• Stretch your whole body upwards.
• Stay in position. Then after some time, breathe out slowly while coming to the prior position.
• Repeat the same action 10 or 15 times.
In case you have a headache, or insomnia, you should avoid performing this asana. Pregnant women should avoid doing this Yoga.

2. Paschimottanasana:

Paschimottanasana - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Paschimottanasana enhances your height, improves your standing posture, and corrects spinal deformities. This asana has additional benefits as it cures your gastric troubles.


• Rest on the ground with your legs ahead.
• Then, curl the toes of your feet with the fingers of both of your hands.
• Breathe out steadily in this position and try to reach your knees with your forehead.
• Afterwards, breathe in gently, lift your head upwards and come to the former position.
• Perform this asana at least 10 to 12 times.

If you are suffering from an enlarged liver, asthma or respiratory diseases, please avoid doing the Paschimottasana yoga pose. Pregnant women should seek the advice of their doctor before performing this asana.

3. Parvatasana:

Parvatasana - 7 Proven Ways to Increase Height Naturally - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Parvatasana is also termed as the Mountain pose. As symbolized by its name, Parvatasana makes you taller naturally, corrects your posture, and makes you feel more confident too.


• Relax in Padmasana position first. Padmasana means sitting crosslegged with your spine upright and your hands planted on your knee in mudra position. Keep your head straight and take deep breathes.
• Spread your arms sideways and draw them over your head gradually.
• Let your palms meet each other.
• Stretch your hands upwards without bending your elbows.
• Keep your spine perpendicular.
• Maintain this position for some time.
Avoid doing the Parvatasana if you are suffering from a hip or back injury. Pregnant women must consult their doctors before performing this Yoga.

Consult your doctor before taking any supplements for increasing height. Genetics and deformities may hinder or obstruct height growth. These tips and exercises are sure to bring an improvement to your height and health.

Drink a sufficient amount of water in a day to maintain your hydration level in your body. Do not practice any ill-habits like smoking as it can hamper your health and height progression.

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FAQs on How to Increase Height Naturally:

How to increase height in 1 week?

Practice height increasing exercises like pullups, hanging, side stretching, and more. You can also practice equally effective yogas like Paschimottanasana, Tadasana, and Parvatasana. Take care of your diet and increase your intake of proteins, calcium, and water. Spend some time under the sun in the mornings. Lead an active life. You will see positive changes in your height within a week if you follow all of these steps.

How to increase height without exercise?

If not exercise, you can do yoga asanas or Yoga like Tadasana, Parvatasana, and Paschimottanasana. They are extremely effective on your height, body weight, and overall health. Moreover, they do not take much time, space, and energy to practice. You can do these Yoga poses any time of the day at your home. Other than yoga, you can increase height by eating a balanced nutritious diet, getting the right amount of sleep, and practising good posture. Consult your doctor before taking any height increasing supplements.

How to increase height after age 18?

Our natural height growth indeed slumps after we reach the age of 18. What can be done to get taller is eating a balanced diet regularly, practicing height increasing exercises, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a good posture throughout the day. To give the illusion of being tall in public, you can try the hack of wearing heels and inserts outdoors.

How can I increase my body height?

Exercising, having a regular healthy diet, sleeping enough hours at night, staying active, and spending some time under the sun can really aid in increasing your body height. Remember to drink sufficient water too, and wear sunscreen when spending time outdoors.

Can stretching make you taller?

Stretching helps exponentially in making you taller if practiced regularly. Stretching exercises that you can do are pullups, hanging, side stretching, and more. Among yoga poses, you can attain the benefits of stretching through Paschimottanasana, Tadasana, and Parvatasana.

At what age do girls stop growing?

Studies have shown that girls height growth halts at the age of 14-15. This does not mean you still can not continue with height increasing hacks and tricks. Scientists have witnessed that with height increasing hacks and tricks that are given, the height of a person may still continue to grow past 18 years of age.

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