Best Skin Care Routine for Day and Night – Get Healthy Skin

Best Skin Care Routine for Day and Night - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -


Skincare is a core part of your daily routine, If not then it should be. In the long run, you must follow a good skincare routine both in the day time and at the night time to have healthy skin. You will form some healthy habits by doing these few steps on a daily basis that will ultimately be reflected on your skin.

This article will guide you towards formulating an ideal day and nighttime skincare routine. This routine is simple, minimalist yet highly effective, and you can alter it to suit your convenience.

Skin Care Routine for Day:

1. Cleansing:

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Start your daily skincare routine by cleaning up your face with a mild face wash of your choice. This step helps in waking up your skin and getting rid of the oil build-up on your face.

2. Scrubbing:

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Once or twice a week, exfoliate your face and neck with a gentle face scrub. Scrubbing helps you in removing blackheads, whiteheads and dead skin cells, making your skin smooth, soft and plump. However, do not be harsh on your skin when you are using an exfoliator. Use a scrub no more than twice a week, otherwise, your skin can become dry and rough due to over-exfoliation. Adding scrubbing to your skin care routine helps you can clearer skin easily.

Try this DIY coffee ice cubes remedy to get glowing skin.

3. Toning:

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Toning is a significant step in your skincare routine, and you should definitely not skip it. After cleaning your face, take a few drops of toner on a cotton ball and tap it gently all over your face and neck. Toners help in maintaining the skin’s pH balance and aid you in retaining a fresh look. If you have previously experienced any skin irritation after using toners, you can switch to an alcohol-free product, or you may use rose water.

4. Moisturizing:

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There is no replacement for a good moisturizer. It seals the moisture into your skin, makes it soft and smooth, and also creates a nice base for you to apply makeup and other products. After cleaning or scrubbing, your skin may feel a little dry, hence applying a moisturizer is a must. For summers, you can go for a gel-based formula, and in winters, switch to a heavy moisturizer.

5. Sunscreen:

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Your skincare regime must include a sunscreen lotion. It creates a protective barrier against harmful UV rays and prevents premature aging, dark spots, wrinkles and other skin problems. When you are out in the sun for long hours, don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every few hours for the best results.

Skin Care Routine for Night:

1. Cleansing:

Best Skin Care Routine for Day and Night - Get Healthy Skin - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

Before going to sleep at night, begin your skincare routine with facial cleansing. All the oil and dirt that have accumulated on your face will get cleaned up with this step. After washing your face, tap it dry with a soft towel.

2. Face Mask:

Best Skin Care Routine for Day and Night - Get Healthy Skin - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

In the morning, you will hardly have the time to sit back, apply a face mask and relax. But at night, there is no hurry, and you can indulge in the luxury of a face mask. You can go for a store-bought face mask, or you can make a DIY homemade face mask. After leaving the mask for 15 to 20 minutes, wipe or wash it off. Face masks are infused with a lot of natural goodness and provide numerous benefits for your skin. The relaxing effect of a face mask also deserves a special mention.

3. Face Serum:

Face Serum - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

Face serum provides your skin with the nutrients and antioxidants that it needs to retain its beauty and vitality. Investing in a good quality face serum would be a great addition to your night routine.

Try this really effective eyelash growth serum.

4. Night Cream:

Night Cream - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

You can also choose to apply a night cream right before going to bed. Night creams come with healing properties that help in nourishing your skin while you’re sleeping. There are a variety of night creams available in the market, you can choose one depending on your skin type. Add this to your skin care routine to get healthier skin.

5. Eye Cream:

Eye Cream - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

Last but definitely not least, your night routine remains incomplete without an eye cream. The under-eye areas are extremely delicate, and the skin is much thinner than the rest of your face. As a result, these areas develop dark circles and wrinkles pretty easily. Eye creams are more effective than regular creams, as they contain retinol and anti-aging properties. The mid-twenties is a good time to begin using eye creams.

FAQs on Best Skin Care Routine For Day and Night:

What should be my skincare routine?

Cleanse and scrub your face, use a good toner, then moisturize your face. Use a good sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful sun exposure.

What is the best natural toner?

Use rosewater as a natural toner. It has been used for centuries. It moisturizes your skin and provides a radiant glow.

What should my night skincare routine be?

Begin by thoroughly cleansing your face. Then apply a good face mask and face serum. Before going to bed, use a night cream and an eye cream to get glowing skin.

This was the best skincare routine for getting healthy skin Day and Night. Do not forgot to like and share that post with your Family & Friends.

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Best Skin Care Routine for Day and Night - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -


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