10 Easy Nail Care Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Nails

10 Easy Nail Care Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Nails - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com


Well-groomed, healthy nails are an essential part of an overall neat look. Broken and unkempt nails give away an image of clumsiness, and that is certainly not desirable. The good news is, you don’t have to book a salon appointment to get beautiful nails. You can get healthy nails just by following these easy nail care tips on a regular basis.

Reasons why you must care for your nails:

If you do not take proper care of your nails, it may cause some serious issues like:

1. Fungal Infections.
2. Food Poisoning.
3. Inward Nail Growth.
4. It Reflects Poor Hygiene.
5. Bacterial Infections.

VIDEO GUIDE: Easy Nail Care Tip (Nail Transformation):


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Easy Nail Care Tips for Healthy Nails:

Just like skin and hair, nails need proper care and attention. With just a little effort, you can have gorgeous nails that look as good as manicured nails. We have curated a list of 10 nail care tips for you, that you can easily follow. Let’s have a look.

1. Regular Trimming:

Don’t compromise on your nail health for the sake of the length of your nails. Trim your nails regularly, preferably every week, to avoid any breakage or hanging nails. Use a sharp nail clip or nail cutter to trim your nails. However, don’t cut too close to the nail bed.

2. Regular Filing:

Regularly filing your nails not only gives it a nice, polished look but also keeps them healthy. Even if you don’t trim your nails on a daily basis, make it a point to file them often.

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3. Don’t Remove Cuticles:

Cuticles add a protective layer to your skin. Salon manicures often remove your cuticles, but this is an unhealthy practice. By getting rid of your cuticles, or by harming them, you are depriving your nail of its natural protection. Cutting cuticles may expose your nails to infection and other issues. Allow your nail and your cuticles to grow naturally in their due course. You can easily get healthy nails by implementing this nail care tip.

4. Stay Away from Harsh Chemicals:

If you occasionally paint your nails, chances are that your nail has to bear a lot of exposure to harmful chemicals. Nail paints and nail polish removers contain a number of toxic chemicals, such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.
These toxic components can cause long term damage to your nails. While buying nail polish and removers, choose products that are acetone-free. To have healthy nails, let them breathe. After removing nail polish, don’t put on another coat instantly. Leave your nails bare for a few days to let them thrive.

5. Don’t Chew or Bite Your Nails:

This tip is a no-brainer. Don’t let your childhood habits ruin your nails. Some of us often chew or bite our nails just out of habit or when we are tense. Give up this habit and let your nails grow naturally to get beautiful, long, and healthy nails.

10 Easy Nail Care Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Nails - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

6. Moisturize:

Just like your skin, your nails also require moisturizer. Before going to bed, apply a cuticle cream of good quality or petroleum jelly to your nail bed, to seal the moisture in your nails. Make following this simple yet effective nail care tip a habit and your nails will thank you later.

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7. Refrain from Applying Dark Nail Polish:

For retaining your nail health, it is vital to take care of what you are exposing your nails to. Don’t put your nails in danger just for the sake of fashion. Dark nail polish may look cool, but they also leave a dark stain on your nails, which is definitely not healthy. You can opt for gel polish or nude polish for your nails that look extremely stylish and elegant.

8. Keep Your Nails Clean and Dry:

Make it a habit to keep your nails as clean as possible. Maintaining proper hygiene ensures healthy, strong, and good-looking nails. Wipe your hands and nails dry after washing your hands, to protect your nails from bacteria or fungus. This is surely one of the best nail care tips.

9. Avoid Fake Nails:

Fake acrylic nails surely look great, but the chemicals used on the adhesive aren’t good for your nails. Try going au naturel when it comes to your nails. Take proper care and let them shine brighter than any fake nail available in the market.

10. Biotin for Healthy Nails:

What you eat, inevitably reflects on your body. If your nails look dull and somewhat unhealthy, chances are that your nails aren’t getting proper nutrition from your diet. Biotin-rich foods aid in the growth of hair and nails and keep them looking healthy.

FAQs on Easy Nail Care Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Nails:

How can I care my nails at home?

Make sure to regularly trim your nails, stay away from harsh chemical-based products, don't chew your nails, moisturize, and keep your nails dry. These tips will ensure healthy nails.

Can you use Vaseline on your nails?

Yes, you can use vaseline or any good moisturizer. You can also apply vitamin-e oil to your nails.

How can I strengthen my nails?

Biotin-rich foods boost the growth of hair and nails and keep them looking healthy.

These were 10 Easy Nail Care Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Nails. Do let us know your suggestions.

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10 Easy Nail Care Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Nails - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com


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