Green Tea: Benefits, How to Make It and Risks

Green Tea Benefits, How to Make It and Risks - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - (2)


When you’re a tea connoisseur, it’s difficult to say no to a cup of green tea. Have you ever considered how to make your diet more beneficial? Because, in this body-conscious and health-conscious era, you should not overlook any opportunity to incorporate healthy habits into your life.

Tea’s benefits are undeniable, but herbal tea is a cut above the rest. What is the purpose of tea consumption? Isn’t it to refresh our minds? However, drinking extra tea is not good for your health. Green tea, instead of milk tea, will refresh your thoughts and help you relax.

The cleansing and healthy properties of green tea have long been known. It contains an ample dose of vitamins, and minerals and is a natural way to heal many problems. Hot water with green tea will aid in digestion, cleanse the liver and remove toxins and impurities from your body. It’s one of the best herbal tea for which you need just one ingredient which will not cost you much and neither you have to search for it.

Health Benefits of Green Tea:

Green tea is one of the most refreshing teas; even the name is enticing. It offers numerous advantages.

1. Green Tea Relaxes your Mind:

Mental health, according to studies, is more essential than anything else. If your mental health is in good shape, your body will follow suit. Good mental health is good physical Heath. To add calmness to your mind, it is the best source. It contains herbs and many nutrients that help your body to work accordingly. It takes time to swap your milk tea with green tea but once it’s done, it will all be so beneficial. You once make a habit it will surely pay you off.

2. Helps in Achieving Healthy Skin:

Green Tea Benefits- Beautytipsbynim

Who doesn’t want radiant, clear, glowing, and healthy-looking skin? Green tea is all you need to achieve that radiant skin. Your looks don’t describe your beauty but healthy-looking skin does. It has Vitamins and minerals and both make your skin look perfect and beautiful. They remove irritation, inflammation, and redness from your skin and make it glow.

When it comes to stress and skin, the two go hand in hand. This direct relationship never fails to impress. If you’re stressed you’re just giving space for a pimple to pop up. And who likes it? Acne, dark spots, pigmentation, dry skin, flaky skin these words, just hit every girl’s heart. So have a cup of green tea and enjoy your healthy skin.

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3. Green Tea Helps in Weight Loss:

Your body needs good food to promote good health, the same goes with your mind, it needs time to relax and detox, and eating unhealthy food leads to unhealthy body functioning. If you’ll not eat well, skip meals, or eat junk, all this has a direct impact on your mind as well as your body and you’ll gain weight.

Gaining weight is not bad but gaining unhealthy weight is. A healthy mind demands good consumption of proteins and other vitamins. Make herbal green tea a part of your daily diet.

4. Treats Hairfall and Boosts Hair Re-growth:

Green Tea Benefits, How to Make It and Risks

This generation suffers a lot from hair fall because, in this fancy era, we prefer treatments over home remedies because according to this gen, applying home remedies is so tacky. Hair health is intertwined with your general well-being.

Hair is a component of your body, and it can show signs of poor nutrition and hair care. It has epigallocatechin gallate that helps in preventing hair loss and boosts hair growth. Therefore, adding green tea to your routine would be beneficial for your health as well as your hair.

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In this working generation, we need quick access to everything, we need things done quickly. And green tea is the best quick way to have a refreshing morning or evening. This latest trend will benefit so much to you. It will hardly take 5 mins and it’s all worth it.

How to Make Green Tea:

  • Open the green tea sachet, remove 1 tea bag and place it in your tea cup.
  • Pour 100 ml of water freshly boiled over the teabag.
  • Let the infusion steep for 3 minutes and your green tea is ready.
  • Drink it any time of day, preferably morning or evening.

Side Effects and Risks of Green Tea:

No doubt it adds so much value to your diet but also comes with negative effects. It has some side effects which should not be ignored-

1. Digestive System:

Green Tea

It can cause diarrhea, add acid to your stomach, and create digestion problems if consumed in large amounts.

To avoid these side effects, it should not be drunk on an empty stomach. It should be avoided if you have acid reflux or stomach ulcers because it can exacerbate acidity.

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2. Dizziness:

Brain fog, dizziness, and lack of focus are all brain working problems. Green tea adds concentration problems in your brain and causes side effects that lead to problems in the brain working. To avoid this, consume green tea in fewer amounts.

3. Insomnia:

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Lack of sleep is known as insomnia. And if you don’t have a beauty sleep for 7-8 hours your body will not function accordingly. So consuming a high amount of this tea Leads to insomnia and no good sleep affects your body deeply.

4. Liver:

Yes, it has a large amount effect on your liver as it slows down its working or damages your liver. A person suffering from liver disease should avoid taking it.

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FAQs on Health Benefits of Green Tea:

What happens if I drink green tea everyday?

The cleansing and healthy properties of green tea have long been known. It contains a good dose of vitamins, and minerals and is a natural way to heal many problems. Hot water with green tea will aid in digestion, cleanse the liver and remove toxins and impurities from your body. Drinking one to two cups of green tea each day appears to be the most beneficial to one's health. It's one of the best herbal tea for which you need just one ingredient which will not cost you much and neither you have to search for it.

What are some benefits of green tea?

Green tea is one of the most refreshing teas; even the name is enticing. Green tea offers numerous advantages. Here are some benefits of Green Tea. 1. It Relaxes your mind. 2. Helps in Achieving Healthy skin. 3. Helps in Weight loss. 4. Treats Hairfall and Boosts Hair re-growth

What is harmful about green tea?

No doubt it adds so much value to your diet but also comes with negative effects. It has some side effects which should not be ignored- 1. It May Harm Your Digestive system. 2. Dizziness 3. Insomnia 4. Affects Liver

Who should not drink green tea?

It has a large amount effect on your liver as it slows down its working or damages your liver. A person suffering from liver disease should avoid taking it.

Green Tea Benefits, How to Make It and Risks - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -


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