How to Get Rid of Tiny Bumps on the Face Quickly at Home?

How to Get Rid of Tiny Bumps on the Face Quickly at Home - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -


Who doesn’t hate the unnecessary flare-ups of pimples and tiny bumps on the face that come unannounced? Right before an important event or function in our life; these break out of bumps makes us lose our confidence and happy mood.

A flare-up of these tiny bumps may occur due to numerous reasons. They are also referred to as Milia sometimes.

We might not be able to rightly diagnose every one of its symptoms or couldn’t be bothered to in a hurry.

No need to worry about determining what kind out break-out is happening on your face when you could just try a few all-purpose remedies anytime with things you can easily find in your kitchen. We at Beauty Tips By Nim bring you some rine-or-shine cures that you could try on any bumps that appear on your face.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

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Apple cider vinegar is a useful cure for various skin problems, bumps or pimples on the face being one of them. Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties, and it restores the pH of your face and skin. Here’s how you can use Apple cider vinegar for tiny bumps on your face.

  • Store Apple cider vinegar in a container with a lid so that its preserved for long use.
  • How much vinegar you will add depends on how much toner amount of you want to try and apply for regular use.
  • The good thing about this Apple cider vinegar is you can create it any time you want so let’s start with 1/4 a cup.
  • In the Apple cider container, pour an even amount of distilled or filtered water. This water addition will dilute the vinegar. If you have sensitive skin, add more amount of water.
  • Before applying the blend on your face, see how the blend of vinegar and water reacts on your skin by doing a patch test for 24 hours on your inner wrist.
  • Before applying this apple cider vinegar-water toner, wash your face with a cleanser. With clean hands, take a cotton ball and pour a few drops of the toner and apply it onto your face.

Apply your regular moisturizer after you feel the toner on your face has dried. Do this for one month at least to see the best results.

2. Honey And Cinnamon Mask:

Cinnamon - How to Get Rid of Tiny Bumps on the Face Quickly at Home - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

Honey and cinnamon are a blend of special ingredients. Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic abilities, and Cinnamon has anti-fungal, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.

Together both of these ingredients form a fierce guard against skin allergies and tiny bumps like pimple and acne. Thus we have two ways you can use honey and cinnamon to get the most benefits for your skin;

  • Take three tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of true cinnamon.
  • Blend the honey and cinnamon. You can microwave for 30 seconds or give the mixture a hot bath. Do not place the blend of ingredients on the stove/gas/direct flame.
  • Make sure the blend comes at lukewarm or room temperature before, with the help of a clean brush or hand, apply the mixture to your whole face.
  • Let the blend sit for 10-15 minute and rinse it off with cold water. Dry your face by patting with a soft clean towel.

Another way you can use Honey and Cinnamon to fight tiny bumps on your skin:

  • Take 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and blend it all.
  • Once blended, massage the paste on your clean washed face gently and let it stay for 30 minutes.
  • 30 minutes later, rinse it off thoroughly with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft clean towel.

Read: DIY Hydrating Face Mist For Glowing Skin: 

3. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea Tree Oil - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

Tea tree oil is a revered ingredient that has miraculous benefits. Along with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, Tea tree oil can also reduce redness of the face, reduce acne scars, and decrease the break-out of tiny bumps on the skin extensively.

That is why we present you with three ways you can incorporate tea tree oil in your skincare routine daily for smooth acne-free skin.


  • You can create your natural facial oil moisturizer with tea tree oil. You just need to follow these few steps;
  • Choose a carrier oil to blend with tea tree oil to dilute it. Tea tree oil should not be applied directly to the face without dilution.
  • As for carrier oil; you can pick whatever suits your skin type. Rosehip oil, jojoba oil, and more, you need to determine beforehand which carrier oil is best for your skin type.
  • Combine 16 drops of tea tree oil with 10 ml of carrier oil and store it in a container with a lid. You can use it daily as a moisturizer.

You can blend tea tree oil with your regular moisturizer to make it extra effective against acne. Tea tree oil is known for its acne-fighting ability.

  • Blend a pea-sized amount of your daily moisturizer and a drop of tea tree oil on your palm. Make sure your hand is clean and hygienic.
  • Massage gently the blend of moisturizer and tea tree oil on your face with your fingers. You can add an extra drop of tea tree oil if your acne problems seem to go overboard. Be cautious with tea tree oil and its application.


You can try out a natural version of toner if you are interested to fight the signs of tiny bumps on your face naturally. Here’s how to make your tea tree oil-infused toner;

  • Add 25 ml rose water and then mix in 10 drops of tea tree essential oil in a bottle and whisk it all together.
  • You can combine five drops of lavender essential oil as well if you want.
  • Use it with a cotton ball after cleansing your skin. You can even use this tea tree oil toner as a face mist after applying your moisturizer.

4. Green Tea for Tiny Bumps:

Green Tea - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

Green tea can also be used directly on the skin along with drinking it as tea. Green tea fights premature aging, reduces redness and irritation, moisturizes skin, treats acne (tiny bumps), and on top of all protects against skin cancer. You can use either green tea powder or leaves to use as a remedy by following these steps;

  • Take out the leaves from one or two tea bags and soak them in warm water for an hour or so. You can also use green powder for this remedy.
  • Blend the powder or the leaves with honey or aloe vera gel. It is ideal if fresh honey and aloe vera gel are used for the best results.
  • Spread the blend onto the acne-prone zones of your face.
  • Let the mask stay on for 10 to 20 minutes.

Rinse it off with warm water and pat dry your face with a clean towel.

5. Aloe Vera:

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You must have heard about the numerous benefits of Aloe Vera before. Aloe vera contains several properties such as antioxidants, enzymes, Vitamins A and C.

Aloe vera is also anti-inflammatory, moisturizes skins, and works to smoothen skin, fighting off acne and tiny bumps on the skin. Here’s how you can use fresh aloe vera gel or aloe vera infused products for tiny bumps on the face;

  • Wash your face with a gentle face wash or cleanser and lukewarm water.
  • Massage an aloe vera-containing gel, cream, or lotion to flared-up skin areas on your face.
  • If you’ve applied fresh aloe vera gel, then you can rinse it off with a cleanser after half an hour or so.
  • After the use of store-bought aloe vera-containing gel, cream, or lotion, you can resume your skincare routine by using further products as desired.

6. Honey:

Honey - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

As stated before, honey is one of the most useful and readily available ingredients you can use to fight off skin problems. Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic abilities, keeps your skin moisturized, and clears off acne and tiny bumps. Here are two ways you can use honey to get maximum benefits for your skin;

  • Cleanse your face gently with a cleanser and warm water. Let your face air dry and lightly pat the break-out zones with your fingertip to open the pores. Be gentle with the process. Otherwise, it can make a break-out worse.
  • Massage honey (fresh honey is ideal) onto your face with your fingertips gently. Let it stay for 20-30 minutes or so. Keep in mind to apply to use honey only on a completely dry face.
  • Wash off the honey with water, and you will feel a fresh feeling on your skin.
  • Apply this mixture for a month or so daily, and you will notice the effect. Your face will be free from acne and acne scars entirely.

Another way you can use Honey to fight off tiny bumps on the face:

  • Blend a tablespoon of honey and puree of 1 tomato.
  • Cleanse your face first & let it completely drying it.
  • After this, apply this mix to your face with your clean fingertips or with the help of a brush.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes. You can gently massage the blend on your skin if you’d like.
  • After 20 minutes, wash it off entirely with lukewarm water.

7. Ice Cubes for Tiny Bumps:

How to Get Rid of Tiny Bumps on the Face Quickly at Home - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -

Ice cubes are always within reach in our homes, and they are beneficial too. Ice cubes application on the face reduce oiliness, reduce swelling and inflammation, reduces the sign of aging, and eases tiny bumps and acne on the skin. Here’s how you can use ice cubes to reduce flare-ups on tiny bumps and acne on your skin:

  • Cleanse your face with a good cleanser and make sure your face is completely fresh and clean. Pat dry your face and neck with a soft clean face towel.
  • Wrap an ice cube in a thin and soft washcloth. Do not apply ice directly to your skin.
  • Keep the wrapped ice cube straight on top of the acne or break-outs of tiny bumps. Hold it there for a minute or so.
  • Wait for a couple of minutes before applying the ice cube on the flare-ups again.
  • Repeat this method twice-thrice a day for a week to get rid of the tiny bumps.

Read: 5 Effective DIY Ice Cubes For Clear Skin

8. Orange Peels:

orange peel

Orange peels have citric acid and vitamin C that dries out acne and exfoliates your skin. You can incorporate an orange peel powder into your skincare routine to smoothen out skin, reduce flareups of tiny bumps and give yourself a healthy glowy look.

If you have sensitive skin, it is better to do a patch test on your inner wrist for 24 hours before proceeding with a face mask. Here’s how you can use orange peel to clear off tiny bumps from your face:

  • Peel off an orange and grind the skin down to a powder
  • Blend the powder with warm water and whisk it into a paste.
  • Spread it onto your skin, and leave for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.
  • It’ll tighten your skin pores and bring out your glowing skin. Do this 3 times a week for best results.

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Tiny bumps can be stubborn and take consistent efforts to go away from the face. Other ways that you can follow to fasten the process of your tiny bumps removal pace are reducing stress in your life, cutting back on dairy, following a low glycemic diet, keeping your face clean and exfoliating regularly, and exercising 30 minutes a day at least.

Avoid touching your face with your hands and wash your bedsheets and pillow cover regularly.

If your tiny bumps are consistent and do not seem to go off after trying several remedies, consult a dermatologist.

Share with us in the comments about how the remedies worked for you, and if you have any additional tips to reduce tiny bumps from the face.

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FAQs on How to Get Rid of Tiny Bumps on the Face?

What causes tiny bumps on the face?

Tiny bumps on the face often occurs when dead skin cells and oil, or sebum, block your pores.

What is the best way to get rid of tiny bumps?

You can use either green tea powder or leaves to use as a remedy against tiny bumps. Green tea fights premature aging, reduces redness and irritation, moisturizes skin and treats acne.

How to avoid tiny bump from occurring?

Tiny bumps can be stubborn and take persistent efforts to go away from the face. Avoid touching your face with your hands and wash your bedsheets and pillow cover regularly.

How to Get Rid of Tiny Bumps on the Face Quickly at Home - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty -


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