How To Lighten Dark Upper Lip – Easy Lip Care Tips

How To Lighten Dark Upper Lip - Easy Lip Care Tips - Beauty Tips By Nim (2)


Dark upper lip does not suit your complexion and stand out as dry and chapped are not at all desirable. They are also signs of impending care you need to provide to your upper lip area. The upper lip is most susceptible to getting darker due to exposure to the sun for a prolonged time, insufficient care, smoking, and mundane habits such as sucking lip when nervous or anxious.

Some of these reasons can be reduced or removed from life if you are determined enough and then you will see your upper lip lightening, but still, you need the help of remedies to fasten the process of lightening of your dark upper lip.

So to help you, we have brought a detailed guide on how to lighten dark upper lip with simple home remedies and readily available products in the market that are sure to give you the best results.

The Power of Lemon:

How To Lighten Dark Upper Lip - Lemon

It is a well-known fact that lemon is a revered lightning agent. To utilize the power of lemon for your benefit to bring the color of the upper lip several shades down, you can use the humble fruit in numerous ways.

One of the most celebrated and easy ways to use lemon to lighten dark upper lights is to apply lemon on your lip right before you go to bed. If you are sensitive to the initial acidic sting of lemon, dilute the lemon with honey or sugar. This way you can also use your lemon juice to lighten your dark upper lip and also moisturize and hydrate them with honey and sugar.

Aloe Vera Helps to Lighten Dark Upper Lip:

Aloe Vera - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal

Aloe vera gel and other products not only moisturize your lips. It also helps to improve your lips shades and makes it several shades lighter with regular use. The use of aloe vera has no known side effects and you can use it to lighten your dark upper lip any time of the day, preferably during your bathing hours. Aloe vera is a natural skin and lip moisturizing and lightening home remedy that has been popular for generations.

Also Read: DIY Lip Facial At Home

Lip Scrub:

Nimify Beauty Lip Scrubs

Lip scrubs are a surefire way to lighten dark upper lip. But which lip scrub to use, you may ask? There are numerous lip scrubs available in the market but you need to choose one that is best for you and address all your demands. Nimify Beauty is one such organic Indian brand that has lip scrubs that meets all the demands and needs to lighten dark lips in its store.

You can choose between Bubble Gum Lip Scrub, Watermelon Lip Scrub, and Chocolate Lip Scrub. These scrubs will not only lighten your dark upper lip by exfoliating dark pigmented skin but also give it a healthy dose of moisture, hydration, and shine it needs. All of the three scrubs are on sale, so right now is the time to get them before they run out of stock.

Lip Oil for Dark Upper Lip:

Moisturizing Lip Oil from Nimify Beauty - Lighten Dark Upper Lip

Lip Oil is another miraculous lip product that gives you instant relief and results from the first use alone. We found the Moisturizing Lip Oil from Nimify Beauty one of the best products in the market.

It lightens the shade of your upper lip that you desire. You will also notice that your lips look shinier, feel softer, and moisturized after using this lip oil for a few days. It is a 100% pure and organic product, made in India, and has a sweet fragrance that catches anyone’s attention near you.

Apply lip oil every day before you hit the bed to get the best results. You can order the Moisturizing Lip Oil now before it runs out of stock.

Lip Balm:

Nimify Beauty Watermelon Lip Balm and Chocolate Lip Balm

We can not talk enough about the benefits of using a good lip balm. A bad day for the face can be made good with a soothing and hydrating lip balm that not only makes your lips look good after you apply it but also has positive long-term effects on the state of your lips if you use it consistently.

A good lip balm such as Nimify Beauty Watermelon Lip Balm and Chocolate Lip Balm works to lighten the shade of your upper lip. At the same time, it hydrates and moisturizes your lips, making them look Instagram-worthy all day with just one swipe. These lip balms also have SPF in them so you do not need to worry about the harsh effects of sun exposure.

ALSO READ: Affordable Lip Balms for Softer Lips In India

How to Lighten Dark Upper Lip Fast At Home?

Lip Care Tips

Use products laden with SPF and sun protection on your upper lips to prevent it from darkening. Exfoliate your dark upper lip once or twice a week, if you deem necessary. Too much exfoliation can have the opposite effects from what you desire.

We advise you to quit smoking and avoid drinking too much tea, coffee, and other beverages that are laden with caffeine because they make your upper lips darker with time. Massage your lips with lip oil and scrub and use lip balm daily on your lips to see your dark upper lip lighten in no time.

We do suggest consulting a doctor if after using remedies, tips, and tricks to lighten dark upper lip, any changes fail to make an appearance. Or if you notice after harsh or allergic reactions as a result of using any of the steps mentioned in this guide. Side effects are very rare so you do not need to worry about them much. A simple patch test before a day will eradicate your worries and let you know if the product, paste, or step is safe for your upper lip.

Follow us on Instagram for more homemade remedies and wellness tips.

FAQs on How To Lighten Dark Upper Lip:

How can I lighten my upper lip?

You can choose to use a lip lightening cream or try home remedies. There are various remedies and tricks we have mentioned in this above article that will help you lighten your upper lips fast.

Why is the top of my upper lip dark?

Darkening of the upper lip can happen due to numerous reasons such as sun exposure, sucking of lip skin as a habit, smoking, and more. You can use the above article as a guide to lighten your upper dark lips.

How can I lighten my upper lip shadow fast?

Apply home remedies listed above to lighten your upper lips for instant results. Consistency is the key to achieving the best outcome. You need to keep in mind that any lightening effect will take about a week or two after which you will notice significant improvement.

How do you get rid of a female mustache shadow?

Use diluted lemon with yogurt and honey to get rid of a female mustache shadow. You can also use other lightening and moisturizing home remedies such as coconut oil, cucumber juice and rose water among others.

How can I lighten my upper lip shadow naturally?

Use coconut oil, rose water, lemon as home remedies regularly for at least two weeks and more to lighten your upper lip shadow. Do not wax your upper lip and moustache area because aggressive hair removal techniques leave rashes and shadows that are notoriously hard to erase.

How To Lighten Dark Upper Lip - Easy Lip Care Tips - Beauty Tips By Nim


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