10 Mistakes You Must Be Doing That Are Causing Hair Fall

Mistakes You Must Be Doing That Are Causing Hair Fall - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com (2)


Hair health is not isolated from your overall health. Hair is a part of your body and a lack of proper nutrition and hair care can boost hair fall. Hair fall is very well visible and every strand makes a difference. Lifestyle mistakes make a huge difference. Here are some mistakes if you’re doing, you need to stop them as soon as possible. With a positive attitude, you can make a difference. Watch out for the following mistakes causing hair fall:

1. Hot Water Shower:

If you’re regularly taking a hot shower you should keep a few things in mind. Hot water damages your hair by removing the natural oil in your hair, and later it results in dehydration of your scalp and hair loss. Too much heat causes hair loss and thus, hair fall.

2. Not Oiling Leads to Hair Loss:

Oil- Beauty Tips By Nim

In this new era of chemical serums, hair masks, and hair products you forget the most effective yet simple way – oiling. Yes, oiling has long been a natural approach to care for your hair, regardless of hair type. Regularly massaging your scalp with hot oil might make a noticeable impact.

It helps and promotes blood circulation thus controlling hair fall and contributing to hair health. It’s just a few-step procedure, take oil Accordingly and apply, massage for a few minutes and leave it for 2-3 hours for best results.

Oil has never done any damage to your hair, keeping a few drops of oil on your hair every day makes your hair stronger, protects you from drying and heat. It even makes your hair shine and you look well dressed (if you have dry hair).

Try Nimify Beauty Onion Hair Oil for Hairfall

3. Heat Treatment:

Every time you blow-dry your hair or use other heat styling tools, the scalp is subjected to undue heat. Such intense heat weakens the roots instantly. Switch to cool drying or stick to natural drying. There are many products named heat protectants, you can use those to somewhat protect your hair from excessive heat. One day of styling can lead to permanent hair damage. This is a key mistake causing hair fall.

4. Tight Bands Causes Hair fall:

In this homebound era, we are used to not going out and not getting dressed, but that doesn’t mean we’ll damage our personality. Yes, hair plays an important role in our personality as it boosts our confidence, and what’s better than a confident person?

Tight tie-ups cause tension to the roots and scalp. You should let your hair breathe. This should be especially avoided at the night. No girl can avoid a hair bun in lockdown or sleek ponytail but there’s a way of styling. Braid has been a solution for many years. A simple loose braid not only keeps your hair settled but also makes your hair grow faster.

5. Lack of Nutrients:

Lack of nutrients- Beauty Tips

Your body needs good food to promote good health, the same goes with your hair. If you’ll not eat well, skip meals, eat junk it will have a direct impact on your hair. Healthy hair demands good consumption of proteins and other vitamins.

Make salads, fish, lentils, beans, eggs, etc. a part of your daily diet. Lack of protein and proper nutrition can be very well seen. Add good food to get good results. It’s a simple way, whatever you eat, its result can be seen on your hair. So choose your diet accordingly.

READ MORE: DIY Coffee Hair Mask For Hair Growth

6. Hair Treatments that Damage Hair:

Blow drying, straightening, curls are done by allowing heat to go directly on your head and hair. Such intense heat causes damage and weakens the roots instantly. Switch to natural drying as it will promote hair growth also. Avoid this mistake causing hair fall.

These days people go for permanent straightening, hair color, and many more hair treatments. Even a hair spa comes with chemicals. You should try home remedies as they are 100% chemical-free and pocket friendly. Kitchen ingredients play a major role in promoting hair health as you apply or you eat it will give you the best results which no other treatment can give. 

7. Regular Trimming:

Yes, you’ve heard right. When a leaf is dead, you cut it outright? The same goes with hair. Dead ends, split ends and dead hair should be removed as there’s doing no good to your hair. They are neither promoting hair growth nor letting you look good.

8. Not Knowing your Hair Type:

Hair Care Mistakes- Beauty Tips By Nim

This has been a major problem. When you dress up, you know what looks good and dress accordingly. Why not with hair? One should know what products suit your hair type and use them accordingly. The most effective way to take care of hair is knowing your hair type and choosing products accordingly.

Putting things that are doing no good to your hair causes more damage. Know your hair type, choose good products which will be beneficial to you. From environment to products, from hair bands to styling you should know what suits your hair or else it will damage your roots.

To promote any growth, be it a plant or hair, you should take proper care of roots as they foster growth. Not knowing your hair type is a prominent mistake causing hair fall.

9. Stress Damages your Hair:

The only factor which causes a deep impact on hair health and overall health. When you’re stressed, you’re doing more damage to your hair. As for psychological stress, the link is less well-defined. Many people, however, have experienced losing hair when they are under a lot of mental stress or anxiety.

Physical stress is frequently temporary, and hair loss decreases as the body recovers. Emotional stress is the worst factor for your health. You can’t get good health or hair health if you’re sad. That’s the fact, do good to your Mind, practice yoga to relax or meditate and see the results in no time.

READ MORE: Here’s What Rice Water Actually Does to Your Hair

10. Over Washing Causes Hair Fall:

10 Mistakes You Must Be Doing That Is Causing Hairfall - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Shampooing and Washing are the most important step towards hair hygiene but over exploiting something makes the damage worse. Overdoing it is like plucking more hair. Taking good care is necessary but doing it often can backfire. This is one of the most prominent mistakes causing hair fall.

You should know the balance, less or more is no good. Balance is the key to everything. Maintaining a good balance has been the most beneficial thing. Don’t overdo or underdo. You should know your do’s very well.

Hair loss is a circle which leads to many problems. Once a teenager or an elderly person suffers from hair loss, they start to panic, lose confidence, and have self-esteem. It takes only a few steps to save yourself from these things. It’s never too late to start working on yourself.

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FAQs on Mistakes That Is Causing Hairfall:

Is hot water shower is good for hair?

Hot water damages your hair by removing the natural oil in your hair, and later it results in dehydration of your scalp and hair loss. Too much heat causes hair loss and thus, hair fall.

Does tight hairband causes hairfall?

Tight tie-ups caused tension to the roots and scalp. You should let your hair breathe. This should be especially avoided at the night.

Is Regular Trimming of Hair Important?

Dead ends, split ends, and dead hair should be removed as there’s doing no good to your hair. They are neither promoting hair growth nor letting you look good. So, Regular trimming of hair is important.

Does stress causes hairfall?

Stress- The only factor which causes a deep impact on hair health and overall health. When you’re stressed, you’re doing more damage to your hair. As for psychological stress, the link is less well-defined. Many people, however, have experienced losing hair when they are under a lot of mental stress or anxiety.

Mistakes You Must Be Doing That Are Causing Hair Fall - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com (1)


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