10 Summer Drinks Which Will Make Your Skin Glow

Summer Drinks Which Will Make Your Skin Glow - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com


Summer comes with fresh energy, positivity, and clear weather. All good things but we have to speed up our lagging hydration levels in our body too. Lack of hydration affects our body system, and the results first show up on our skin in the form of dullness, acne, and skin patches.

What is necessary during these times is maintaining our hydration level and drinking water regularly for healthier skin. But simple water can often seem boring. After all, water has no taste of its own, and soft drinks are just empty calories that are harmful to our health and skin.

So, We at Beauty Tips By Nim bring our different summer drinks you can make for yourself and drink for glowing healthy skin.

1. Good Old Fashioned Simple Lemonade To Start With:

1 Good Old Fashioned Simple Lemonade To Start With

This drink will provide you with the essential hydration that your h=body is lacking, in addition to making your skin have a gleaming look. Drink this skin glowing lemonade every day of the summer for the best results.

  • Bring out the juice the lemons and get 1 cup of lemon juice.
  • To make the process easy, roll the lemons in between your hand, it will bring out the juice from the lemons faster.
  • Bring a container or jug where you can blend different liquid ingredients. Mix 1 cup lemon juice, 1 cup sugar, and 6 cups cold water. Stir the liquid and adjust water according to your taste. Let it chill and serve with ice cubes.

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2. Mint, Ginger, Green Tea Lemonade:

2 Mint, Ginger, Green Tea Lemonade

An ideal, healthy, and refreshing drink for the summer. This version of lemonade will make your skin feel refreshed and bring out a glowing face. What you will need in preparation for this delicious skin brightening lemonade;

  • 6 cups of water
  • 1/4 cup ginger, peeled and sliced
  • 3 to 6 bags of green tea (depending on how you prefer your tea)
  • 1/2 cup mint leaves, tightly packed, plus more to serve
  • 1 lemon, divided

How to make mint, ginger, green tea lemonade?

  1. Boil 3 cups of water and then let it simmer on the stove.
  2. Add in the ingredients one by one. Starting with the tea bags, mint, and ginger. Leave it to steep for half an hour or so.
  3. Strain the blended liquid into a large pitcher or jug and add lemon juice and remaining water left.
  4. Place it in the refrigerator and bring it out when chilled. You can garnish it with lemon slices and mint and add in ice cubes when serving.

3. Mate Beetroot with Water:

3 Mate Beetroot with Water

Beetroots are high in Vitamin-C, minerals, prevent signs of aging from surfacing on the skin, and boost your skin’s glow during summer. What better way to have beetroot than in the easy and quick form of a drink you can make at home.

  1. You can make dehydrated chips of beetroot using a food dehydrated, and dip the chips in water for flavor and more benefits.
  2. You can also add sliced pieces of beetroot and red apple (for sweetness) into the blender with ice cubes. Pour the drink into a pitcher and garnish it with mint leaves.

4. Cucumber Mint Ginger Drink:

4 Cucumber Mint Ginger Drink

Drinks made up of hydrating items such as cucumber, mint leaves, and lemon juice are sure to make your body and skin feel refreshed and take away all the dullness. This drink also makes your skin have a glowing effect and detoxes all the impurities of the gut. You can have this summer every alternate day and it’ll provide you with the necessary hydration you lacked earlier.

  • Cucumbers
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Granulated sugar
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • ginger
  • Water

Process of making the cucumber, ginger, and mint drink:

  1. Add in sliced cucumber, lemon juice, sugar, mint leaves, ginger, and water according to desire into a blender.
  2. Star the machine and wait for it to blend the ingredients well into the water.

Pour the liquid through a sieve into a large pitcher.

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5. Cucumber Honey Lemonade:

5 Cucumber Honey Lemonade

On a hot summer day, ditch the soda and pick up water and cucumber to make the best refreshing and hydrating drinks. They help make your skin pores breathe and allow your face to cool down, making your skin have a healthy skin-kissed glow.

What you will need to make a cucumber honey lemonade?

  • 1 cup of cucumber juice
  • 1 cup of lemon juice
  • 7 cups of water
  • ¾ cup honey
  • Ice for serving

Process of making this lemonade:

  1. Take a large pitcher and fill it half or so with chilled water.
  2. Add the ingredients one by one. Starting with a cup of cucumber juice, followed by lemon juice and ¾ a cup honey.
  3. Stir the ingredients well with the water. Garnish with sliced cucumbers and lemons. You can allow them to soak for more flavor.
  4. Add in more ice cubes and start sipping!

6. Watermelon Drink:

6 Watermelon Drink - Summer Drinks Which Will Make Your Skin Glow - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Watermelon is enriched with antioxidants, vitamins A and C. It also helps slow down signs of aging and encourages cell turnover and the production of collagen. All over, a perfect fruit to hydrate your skin and make your skin glow.

Using a blender, throw in the pieces of sliced watermelon and 7-8 icecubes. Pour the blended liquid into a container and serve it in a tall glass with more ice if you like.

7. Buttermilk:

7 Buttermilk

Buttermilk is an old family recipe in India, a favorite among everyone. Buttermilk is special in the summer seasons as it is a great skin exfoliant, evens skin tone, and brings out a glowing brightened complexion from underneath. If you can buy Buttermilk from the store, well and good. But if you can’t avail of buttermilk at home and in stores too; you can try this quick recipe to make the buttermilk.
Take some curd in a glass. Using a spoon, whisk the curd until it is smooth. Add in water, salt, lemon juice, mint leaves, and chat masala.

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8. Sugarcane Juice:

8 Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice has loads of benefits in itself. Sugar cane juice fights signs of aging, reduces acne spots and blemishes, and keeps the skin hydrated. The results of sugarcane juice are minimum skin imperfections and added skin glow. You can buy fresh sugarcane juice from the market or in-store. You can also make fresh sugar cane juice at home.

  • Wash fresh sugarcanes in water and remove the outer hard layers. Cut the sugarcane sticks into small pieces.
  • Add the sugarcane pieces into the blender with water to make the process easier, as sugarcanes can be quite hard.
  • Pour the sugarcane juice into a pitcher through a strainer. Squeeze the juice out if some pieces are semi-hard.
  • Add black salt to the sugar cane juice to bring out the flavor.

Do not add sugar to it. You can have it with a dash of lemon juice if you prefer.

9. Be Merry With Berry Drink:

9 Be Merry With Berry Drink

Berries are a great source of flavor and nutrition. Berries fight signs of aging like wrinkles. Enriched with antioxidants, berries prevent your skin from reddening under the sun and reduces your chances of getting a sunburn. Your skin will result in having a refreshed and glowing look after having a berry drink. Choose your choice of berries from the market; strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries. It is a must-try if you want to achieve glowing skin.

Add in berries and granulated sugar if you prefer extra sweetness into a blender. Blend the ingredients well with chilled water and pour the mixed liquid into a pitcher. Garnish with mints you would like and add in ice cubes for chilled taste.

10. Oranges And Pineapples: A Match Made in Heaven:

10 Oranges And Pineapples Match In Heaven

Oranges and pineapples are both revered fruits for their additional skin benefits apart from the delicious taste. Both rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, along with being enriched with nutrients. This drink will bring out your hidden skin glow from underneath and give you the needed hydration and refreshed feel for the summer. All you need to do to make the best summer drink with orange and pineapple are;

Blend fresh orange juice and 1/2 a glass of pineapple juice with water. Pour the blended liquid in a glass, add ice cubes and a straw. And Sip Away!

Summer Drinks Which Will Make Your Skin Glow - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com (3)

5 Glowing Skin Tips For the Summer Along with Summer Drinks:

1. Make sure to have a hydrating drink in the morning. Whether it is a simple lemonade or green tea, have a sufficient amount of liquid to start the day.

2. Detox your day daily with the above summer drinks in the hotter months. They are known to have skin glowing properties and will make you feel refreshed too.

3. Wash keep your face clean and hydrated during the summer. Summer drinks and always having moisturizing sunscreen within the vicinity will make your summer experience better this year.

4. If going for a beach or hiking trip, bring along your skin glowing summer drinks along you in a reusable thermal water bottle.

5. Ditch the soda water this year. Soda water is filled with empty calories and does more harm than good to our health. Instead, opt for these summer drinks which will leave you refreshed and your skin glowing.

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FAQs on Summer Drinks For Glowing Skin

Which juice is good for your skin glow?

Juices that are good for making your skin glow are lemonades, berry drinks, cucumber drinks, beetroot and carrot smoothies, and buttermilk. In summer, it is better to drink chilled juices to refresh your body and mind. These drinks will also help your skin feel refreshed and glowing afterwards.

How can I make my skin glow in summer?

Cleanse your skin regularly, do not let sweat sit on the skin surface for a long time, moisturize your skin daily and keep yourself hydrated with the above delicious and refreshing summer drinks. Do not forget to apply sunscreen and carry hydrating juices along with your in reuseable water bottles everywhere possible.

How can we get glowing skin?

Drink plenty of water and hydrating drinks as enough H2O is needed to bring out the glow in your face. Wear sunscreen and moisturizer daily without breaks and cleanse your face before applying the creams. Exfoliate your skin thrice a week and opt for natural, mild, and fragrance-free topical products and treatments.

How can I become fair naturally?

Hydrate yourself throughout the day and apply homemade masks of lemon and honey daily to make your face fair naturally, along with making it glow. Do not try chemical products without consulting a doctor first as it can long-term harsh effects on the skin. Have a balanced diet consisting of nutritious food and avoid ill-habits like smoking.

What drinks whiten skin?

Juices which contain citric acids such as lemonade, pineapple and orange. You can try lemonades, Oranges and pineapple drinks and pomegranate juice for skin-whitening. Pomegranate juice is another summer drink which you can make by bringing out the pomegranate seeds inside the fruit and blending it with chilled water. Pour it in a glass and drink away.

Summer Drinks Which Will Make Your Skin Glow - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com (2)


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