Benefits and Uses of Ice Cubes for Face and Skin

Benefits and Uses of Ice Cubes for Face and Skin - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - (2)


When it comes to skincare treatments and products, those can be very expensive. Some unavoidable things in day-to-day life like sun exposure, pollution, unhealthy eating, and stress can make our efforts go to waste. But, have you ever heard of uses of ice cubes for  face to get glowing skin.

You can not follow up with treatments regularly but you can do instead of going for not-so-pocket-friendly treatments you can apply ice cubes on your face. Ice cube! Yes, an ice cube is a single solution for your multiple skin-related problems.

Some Benefits and Uses of Ice Cubes For Face:

There are numerous benefits and uses of ice cubes for face and skin like it reduces the size of your pores and relaxes and soothes sensitive skin. Continue reading to learn about some amazing and surprising benefits of applying an ice cube to your face.

1. Cold Therapy:

Cold therapy is one of the simplest and time-tested home remedies to treat swelling and pain at home. It can also be used over a strained muscle as an ice pack or cold compress. Just using it for 10-15 mins eases the pain and reduces inflammation. Applying ice over the affected area of your body for health purposes is known as cold/ice therapy or cryotherapy.

2. Ice for Puffy Eyes:

Puffy eyes - uses of icecube for face

If you have gone through lack of sleep last night and now you are suffering from puffy eyes. There is no need to worry as applying the cold compress of ice cubes with mild pressure over your eyes for a few minutes will definitely result in the reduction of your puffy eyes. Applying a few drops of rose water afterward will make your eyes feel refreshed.

3. Reduces Oiliness:

Oily skin is a significant problem for anyone who is experiencing it. There are very few ways of reducing oil production without damaging the skin and ice cubes are one of them. Rubbing ice cubes on your face can actually reduce the size of the pores which will help you get rid of the excess amount of oil being produced. A reduced amount of oil on your face will make your skin look and feel better.

4. Ice Cubes Treats Acne:

Acne can appear on your face due to any reason. Rubbing ice cubes on your face will not only reduce your acne but also it will reduce the production of acne. As you know ice cubes reduce the size of pores reducing the amount of sebum produced, which is responsible for acne and other blemishes.

Using the icing technique, you can reduce the acne which has already appeared as ice cubes directly attacks the inflammation and reduce redness and the size of acne.

ALSO READ: How To Get Rid of Acne Naturally At Home

5. Soothe Sunburn, Rashes and Insect Bites:

suntan- Beauty Tips

Ice Cubes have some anti-inflammatory properties and are an excellent cure for treating sunburn. In fact, this is the easiest and the cheapest way of treating sunburn as it reduces the burning sensation and eases the pain.

Ice cubes also reduce the swelling and inflammation caused due to rashes and insect bites.

6. Ice Cubes Reduces Signs of Aging:

There is no way you can stop the process of aging but you can definitely work towards reducing it and slowing it down. Now as you can’t go for facials regularly, rubbing ice cubes is an excellent alternative. This will tighten the pores and increase blood circulation hence making your skin look more youthful. Regular use of ice cubes will help in tackling the signs of aging like wrinkles, blemishes, and more.

7. Boost the Skin’s Healthy Glow:

As you know, the application of ice cubes on the face increases blood circulation and soothes inflammation. It will result in removing tiredness on your face by improving the oxygen levels. Hence, resulting in an instant glow after you apply it.

Plus, it also adds to the absorption process helping to achieve the maximum benefits of the products you are using.

8. Eliminates Dark Circles:

Dark Circles Remedies

You can easily eliminate your dark circles by applying regular ice cubes of regular water or a mix of cucumber juice and rose water. Ice cubes will increase the blood flow and oxygen levels under your eyes which will eventually cause the reduction of dark circles with regular use.

How to Use Ice Cubes Effectively?

  • You can directly wrap some ice cubes in a thin towel or handkerchief and apply it to your face.
  • Make sure to use a clean cloth.
  • Perform this process daily on your jawline, chin, lips, nose, cheeks, neck, and forehead in a circular motion.
  • Remember to always use small circular motions while massaging or rubbing the ice cubes for best results.
  • Do it for a max of 5-10 min gently without damaging your skin and avoid overdoing it.
  • Experts suggest rubbing ice on your face every alternate day if you have dry skin as rubbing your skin every day with ice can cause irritation and flakiness.
  • Avoid using ice cubes directly on the face as it might cause delicate skin capillaries to break, use a cloth instead.

Here are some DIY Ice Cubes:

1. Cucumber Ice Cubes:

Cucumber is abundantly filled with a beauty mineral called silica which instantly helps in acquiring glowing skin. Using it in the form of ice cubes detoxicates and refreshes the skin restoring vitality.


1. Rose Water
2. Peeled Cucumber


1. Grind cucumber after removing the skin to extract the juice.
2. Add rose water to the extracted cucumber juice in the ratio of 3:1, freeze down this mixture till it transforms into ice cubes.

Video Guide on DIY Cucumber Ice Cubes:

2. Bottle Gourd Ice Cubes:

bottle gourd green ice cubes- Beauty Tips By Nim

Bottle gourd juice works amazingly in reducing the speed of cell aging as it contains powerhouse ingredients such as Vitamin C and Zinc.


1. Rosewater
2. Bottle Gourd


1. Grind a peeled bottle gourd to extract the juice.
2. Add rose water to the bottle gourd juice in a 3:1 proportion and mix it well.
3. Freeze the mixture to convert it into ice cubes.

3. Green Tea Ice Cubes:

Green tea is highly beneficial for the skin as it contains anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties which makes it an essential beauty buddy. It is one the best mix with ice cubes which make your skin look and feel young and energetic.

Just a Green Tea Bag

1. Heat a cup of water till it boils.
2. Take the boiling water and put a green tea bag in it.
3. Wait for the tea to be absorbed and water to cool down.
4. Once the mixture of tea and water cools down freeze it to turn it into ice cubes.

4. Tomato Ice Cubes:

Tomato for the face is proven to be highly effective in constricting pores and restricts dirt and oil to acquire on the face. Tomato being rich in anti-oxidants helps in getting even tone skin and removing dark spots.


1. Tomato Puree
2. Potato Juice


1. Combine potato juice and tomato puree together in a 2:1 ratio and stir it really well.
2. Put the mixture in an ice cube tray and let it freeze to ice cubes.
3. Gently massage your face with this tomato and potato ice cube and let it dry.
4. After it dries, remove it off with water.

ALSO READ: 5 Effective DIY Ice Cubes For Clear Skin

5. Coffee Ice Cubes:

coffee ice cube- Benefits of icecube for skin

Coffee contains chlorogenic acid and melanoidins which offer anti-inflammatory properties. This helps boost collagen production while revitalizing the skin.


1. 2 TSP Coffee
2. 4 TSP Milk
3. 1 TSP Glycerin
4. 2 TSP Aloe Vera Gel


1. Mix or grind all the ingredients well to remove the thick consistency.
2. Freeze the mixture using an ice cube tray (as this mixture contains milk it will take a while to freeze).
3. Massage it over your face gently in small circular motions.
4. Wash it off after 5-10 mins once you are done.

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FAQs on Benefits and Uses of Ice Cubes For Face:

What are the benefits of ice cubes on skin?

You can treat your body through cold therapy that will help in increasing the blood flow and adding instant glow.

Can ice cubes be used to treat swelling?

As ice cubes have some anti-inflammatory properties it with reduce swelling and will also ease your pain.

How does ice cube helps in preventing premature aging?

Yes, ice cubes definitely work towards reducing it and slowing it down.

Should we rub ice cubes daily on face?

Depending on your skin type you can use it once daily, avoid using it daily if you have dry or you feel irritation or flakiness.

Do ice cubes help in removing dark spots?

With regular use of ice cubes dark spots can be reduced easily.

Benefits and Uses of Ice Cubes for Face and Skin - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - (1)


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