10 Proven Ways To Reduce Stretch Marks

Proven Ways To Reduce Stretch Marks - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - beautytipsbynim.com


Have you ever wondered how you can easily reduce stretch marks? Majority of people develop stretch marks on their skin, at some point in their lives. Now, what exactly are stretch marks? In simple words, they are a kind of scar that appears on your skin. Stretch marks are usually caused by rapid weight gain, sudden weight loss, pregnancy, body growth during adolescence, and many other reasons.

How To Reduce Stretch Marks?

While in most cases these marks are harmless, they may not look very flattering for your body. While it’s not possible to entirely prevent their appearance, you can follow certain tips and tricks to maintain a balanced weight and skin health, which may help you to reduce stretch marks. So without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Stay Hydrated:

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Staying hydrated can help you prevent stretch marks, besides keeping your body healthy. When you drink water and healthy fluids, your skin is less prone to becoming dry and flaky. And often, soft skin is less likely to develop stretch marks.

2. Keep Your Skin Moisturized:

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On a regular basis, use a good quality moisturizer or body oil to keep your skin supple. As we mentioned earlier, when your skin is smooth and well hydrated, there will be fewer chances of stretch marks. Regularly taking care of your skin can surely reduce stretch marks.

3. Maintain A Healthy Weight:

How To Reduce Stretch Marks - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - beautytipsbynim.com

Stretch marks develop during periods of abrupt weight gain or weight loss. To avoid getting stretch marks on your body, try to maintain a healthy weight throughout. Rapid weight loss or gain can cause your skin to shrink or expand, thus resulting in stretch marks. But if the process of gaining or losing weight is gradual and stable, the chances of stretch marks will be much less.

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4. Vitamin-D Helps to Reduce Stretch Marks:

Vitamin D - Stretch Marks - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - beautytipsbynim.com

By now you must have understood that the key to preventing stretch marks is maintaining an overall healthy skin. To retain your skin health, Vitamin-D is necessary. As you already know, you can get Vitamin-D from sun rays. However, excessive exposure to sun rays may exacerbate any skin condition, so you must be careful.

5. Exercise Regularly:

Vitamin D - Stretch Marks - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - beautytipsbynim.com

To ensure that your weight is stable, take some time out from your day on an everyday basis, and engage in exercises. Maintaining a fitness routine will ensure that your weight does not fluctuate unexpectedly. Exercising is great for your mind and body. It helps in reducing stretch marks and ensures healthier skin.

6. Use UV Protection:

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Harmful UV rays may cause serious damage to your skin cells, making it susceptible to developing stretch marks. To avoid such conditions, use sunscreen on a daily basis, and reapply it every few hours to all the exposed areas of your skin.

7. Avoid Smoking:

If you want to reduce stretch marks, try to quit smoking. When you smoke, your skin takes much longer to heal itself, due to lack of adequate oxygen supply to your blood.

8. Get Plenty of Omega-3:

Omega 3 - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - beautytipsbynim.com

Omega 3 fatty acids are excellent for keeping your skin glowing and healthy, reducing the chances of stretch marks. To get a good amount of Omega-3 in your daily diet, eat plenty of salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, soybeans, etc.

9. Include Zinc in Your Diet:

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Another way to have youthful skin is by consuming plenty of foods rich in zinc. Zinc can help you reduce your stretch marks and ensures healthier skin.

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10. Consult A Medical Professional:

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You must understand that stretch marks cannot be prevented completely. When you notice stretch marks on your body, consult a dermatologist immediately, who can analyze the cause of your stretch marks, and will be able to offer a solution to it.

FAQs On Proven Ways To Reduce Stretch Marks:

Is there any proven way to get rid of stretch marks?

Staying hydrated can help you prevent stretch marks, besides keeping your body healthy. When you drink water and healthy fluids, your skin is less prone to becoming dry and flaky. And often, soft skin is less likely to develop stretch marks.

Do stretch marks ever really go away?

Stretch marks are very common and they can naturally fade away. However, you can speed up this process by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and including omega 3 and zinc in your diet.

Will stretch marks go away if I lose weight?

Maintaining a fitness routine will ensure that your weight does not fluctuate unexpectedly. Exercising is great for your mind and body. It helps in reducing stretch marks and ensures healthier skin.

Try Out These Proven Ways To Reduce Stretch Marks. Don’t forget to like this post and share it with your friends.

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