What Is Beauty?

Beauty Tips By Nim | Nimisha Goyal | HashBUGS

What Is Your Definition of Beauty? Think about it for a minute!

Be bold. Be daring. Be simply beautiful!

Well if you thought about materialistic beauty, you’re wrong my friend. Beauty comes from within: you are beauty and beauty is you. Materialistic beauty will fade over time but the internal beauty would never fade.
Beauty has varied throughout time over the world. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. It is how good you treat people, the choices you make.

Beauty is everywhere it depends on us how we see things. Beauty is like an art. Beauty lies in everything which makes us happy. We all have different meanings of beauty.

Beauty is like a star that shines within you. Beauty is feeling confident and comfortable in your body and loving your imperfections. It is kindness, politeness, humanity, generosity, caring, sharing.

It can only be seen by a “True Smile”. A person always has a smile on the face is loved by all.
Beauty is not defined it is an opinion.

Everybody sets their opinion about beauty by themselves according to their beliefs. Beauty is much more than makeup, it is not about how good you look it is about how good you are. Beauty is where we make meaning beyond language.

Every person has something about themselves that makes them beautiful. Everyone is beautiful. Beauty is only defined by God. Beauty standards are only set by God so who are we to set standards for beauty and to define anyone’s beauty And to call someone ugly or beautiful.

As years are passing we are only complicating and setting meaningless meaning for beauty. There are so many people who are struggling really hard to achieve those senseless standards.

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