8 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff – Home Remedies

8 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff - Home Remedies for Dandruff - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com


Dandruff is a nuisance that gives us trouble and make us uncomfortable. We surely wouldn’t like to be seen scratching our head every once in a while, when outside in front of people. Moreover, aggressively scratching our heads leads to blisters and wounds. Dandruff is a common problem for one out of every two people. Yes, about 50% population of the world suffers from dandruff problems. Wanting to rid of dandruff problems is easy if you know the right tips. We at Beauty Tips By Nim bring you the different things you need to keep in mind and follow to get rid of dandruff fast.

Best Home Remedies for Dandruff:

Dandruff is a type of fungal infection. Itchy scalp and white flakes along with tingling sensations, greasy spots, and sensitive scalp are a few of the most common signs of dandruff problem. Dandruff can appear anywhere hair is present on the body, for instance, eyebrows, beard, etc. So we present you with a few dandruff remedies you can consider to solve your dandruff related dilemmas:

1. Choose A Shampoo That Targets Dandruff:

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Among the abundance of shampoo on the shelves of your local beauty store and online, choose a natural mild shampoo that doesn’t build up, lightweight in nature. Look for natural ingredients like amla, aloe vera, honey, and more. Overall, choose ingredients that are anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. If your dandruff conditions tend to be severe and are causing problems in your day to day life, consider chemical-infused shampoos like:

• Zinc pyrithione; you can find zinc pyrithione in popularly available shampoos in any
convenience store:- Head & Shoulders and Selsun Suspension.
• Coal tar which you can find in shampoos such as TAR EXCEL.

Be wary of using Coal Tar shampoos as they increase sensitivity to sunlight, discolor your natural and colored hair if used regularly. Wear a hat in the sun if you are going outdoors after washing your hair with coal tar shampoo recently. Other chemicals you can look for in shampoos are; Selenium sulfide, Ketoconazole, and Salicylic acid. Consider the advice of a doctor before including chemical-infused shampoos in your haircare routine.

2. Try To Lower Your Stress Level:

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The second dandruff remedies are easier said than done, right? On a serious level, do try to eliminate the things that are causing you stress in your life. Stress in life increases germination of dandruff in your scalp; affects your mental health and disrupts your bodily functions, especially your nervous system. High-stress level causes your immune system to weaken, which in-tun slows down the body’s ability to fight off fungal infections and skin conditions like dandruff. Regular practice of meditation, yoga, deep-breathing exercises, moderate cardio, and listening to mellow classic music actually slows down your stress levels to a great extent. Check Out DIY Coffee Hair Mask for Hair Growth

3. Change Your Daily Diet:

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Your diet says and shows a lot about you. You are what you eat, after all. Diet can influence almost every part of our body for good or worse, depending on what food items you intake. Change your diet for the better if you have got a dry scalp and face dandruff problems.

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Include nutrients like B vitamins, zinc, and healthy fatty acids in your regular balanced diet. These dandruff remedies simply try to get a regular balanced diet. Include these food items off which you can get the specific nutrients:

• Zinc:- Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt; eggs; nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, raisins, and cashews.
• Vitamin B:- Cheese; eggs; fish such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon; dark green vegetables, such as spinach and kale.
• Healthy fatty acids also called Omega 3:- Flaxseed, soybean, fish oil, and canola oils.

4. Spend More Time In The Sun:

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Time under the sun increase production of a hormone called serotonin and boosts your bone health. Sunlight also stimulates the production of Vitamin D in our body that can kill off bacteria and fungi. Nothing too much is good for us. Increased time under the sun and UV radiation can also damage your skin and scalp. Wear sunscreen every time you step outside of your house during the day and limit your time under sunlight to 30 minutes at most.

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5. Give Tea Tree Oil A Chance:

Give Tea Tree Oil A Chance - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Tea tree oil has amazing benefits when it comes to application on hair and skin. It’s the best remedy for dandruff problems. Tea tree oil will keep your scalp moisturized, nourished, and restrict the build-up of chemicals and dirt on your scalp surface. This oil has miraculous anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Tea tree oil removes dead skin cells from your scalp and reduces signs of dandruff. Dilute it before using carrier oils such as olive oil or coconut oil. Do a patch test before using tea tree oil on your scalp. You can also opt for tea tree shampoos that are available in the market and over-the-counter at chemist stores.

6. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar To Your Scalp:

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Apple cider vinegar is one of the most revered ingredients that haircare specialists recommend time and again. Apple cider vinegar’s popularity should be credited to its numerous benefits and properties such as the ability to exfoliate scalp naturally, remove dead skin cells, and anti-inflammatory features, which aids in dandruff removal. Apply a mix of an equal amount of Apple Cider Vinegar and water to your hair and scalp after rinsing off shampoo in the bath. Massage your hair, let it stay for 15 minutes, and then wash it off with cold water. Do this thrice a week for desired results.

You can also try a paste of baking soda and water to get rid of dandruff as baking soda acts as a natural exfoliator, and baking soda is readily available within our vicinity.

7. Do Not Be Tempted To Scratch:

Do Not Be Tempted To Scratch - Hair Fall - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Scratching your scalp aggressively and consistently will cause blisters and wounds to appear. Open blisters and wounds are open grounds for fungus and bacteria, which will result in the birth of infections more dangerous than common dandruff. Avoid scratching your scalp by keeping your hair tied at all times and use to wooden comb to brush your hair. A Wooden comb will also soothe the itchiness on your scalp and untangle your hair faster. Apply oil on the spots of irritation on the scalp and give yourself a nice head massage. Be gentle with your hair and scalp.

8. Massage Your Scalp With Oil:

Nimify Beauty Onion Hair Oil - 8 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff - Home Remedies for Dandruff - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com

Give your scalp and hair the moisture and nourishment it is lacking by giving massages with oil. Dry scalp is not good for your hair and scalp as it is the breeding ground of bacteria and fungi, thus leading to dandruff. Furthermore, oiling your hair will make it smoother, softer, and more lustrous. A win-win situation. You can give yourself hot oil massages on the head for the best results. If you are unsure about which oil to choose which will aid dandruff removal, you can opt for Onion Hair Oil by Nimify Beauty.

Onion Hair Oil by Nimify Beauty is chemical-free, natural hair oil. A hit among people who prefer organic haircare options. This oil will not just help you get rid of dandruff but will also leave your hair stronger, smoother, and shinier. Give this cult favorite oil a try and share your review in the comments below.

Other methods and remedies you could try are applying aloe vera gel to your scalp; coconut oil massage on a regular daily basis; using yogurt to get rid of dandruff from the scalp; washing your hair with shampoo at most four times a week. These are some of the few dandruff remedies that you can easily do at home.

8 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff - Home Remedies for Dandruff - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com (1)

Dandruff can occur due to various reasons such as the extremely oily or dry scalp; fungal
infection; and overusing of hair styling products among others. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and wash your hair with cold water whenever taking a bath. Cut your nails short to prevent dangerous wounds from scratching the scalp. Take help from family members and friends if scratching your head becomes a habit and visit a doctor if dandruff problems grow to be severe. Do not take supplements for your dandruff or hair care problems unless advised by a doctor.

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FAQs on Dandruff Home Remedies:

Can dandruff problems cause hair fall?

Dandruff does cause hair full, but not in a direct sense per se. When dandruff is present on your scalp, it leads to itchiness. If you rub your hair too aggressively to relieve yourself of the itch, your hair follicles get injured leading to hair fall. This scratching of the scalp also leads to hair breakage.

What are the best dandruff remedies?

Shampooing your hair with dandruff specific treatments, oiling your hair sufficiently, exfoliating your hair and scalp to prevent build-up, and maintaining a balanced diet with rich Omega 3 food items included. Do not wash your hair with warm water and always keep your scalp clean. Do not be tempted to scratch or rub your head aggressively.

Is Dandruff a fungus?

Our body produces a natural oil called sebum which is important to maintain our skin and hair's nourishment. Sebum oil builds up in our hair follicles. This build-up provides a breeding ground for fungus with ultimately lead to dandruff. This yeastlike fungus is often identified as Malassezia.

How can I thicken my hair?

Follow a balanced diet with sufficient nutrients amounts; oil your hair which coconut oil, onion oil, and olive oil; Apply natural masks like egg and yoghurt hair packs for thicker hair; do not keep your hair tied up all the times; wash your hair always with cold water in the bath. Do not forget to drink sufficient water, at least 8 glasses a day.

Why is my hair so thin?

Thinning of hair can occur due to a variety of reasons like genetic factors; environmental factors; stress factors; lack of hydration; unhealthy diet; underlying diseases; too much application of styling and coloring products; not giving proper nutrition to your hair and scalp. Change your diet for the better, drink sufficient water, and keep your hair natural, open and oiled for nourishment. Consult a doctor if your hair thinning condition tends to be severe.

8 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff - Home Remedies for Dandruff - Beauty Tips By Nim - Nimisha Goyal - HashBUGS - BTN - Nimify Beauty - beautytipsbynim.com


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